Wednesday, December 26, 2012


I ordered my shipboard uniform the other day. Too bad orange isn't my color.

Polos, cardigans, wrapped dress, scarf, and so forth. Orange and navy are the company colors. They pay for the uniform plus laundering.

I do have to bring my own formal dresses but thank goodness I am not male and thus required to bring a tux. How many guys my age own their own tuxedo, you think? None, me thinks.

My ordered uniform won't be delivered to the ship for a good 3 or 4 weeks so I presume I will pick up some spare bits onboard. It sure is hard to identify what size shirt or cardigan one needs without trying them on. But I basically ordered mediums across the board and if my lent medium-sized garments prove too big, well, I suppose I can modify my order. That shouldn't be too hard, or unexpected. Z____ lines does have 600+ employees (or not, I am just guessing.) Someone else must have encountered this issue before.

Ship-out date is quickly approaching. Still getting last-minute tasks done -- scheduling medical exams that include chest x-rays for TB testing, donating large pieces of furniture to the local Salvation Army, etc. Getting it done, getting it done.

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